Consulting Services

Zero trust architecture is key to the security of your software and growth of your business

Why is ZTA important?

Software security is often the foremost limit to business innovation and differentiation. In healthcare, this means that even the most dominant market participants — EHRs and exchanges, research hospitals and Federal health entities — are unable to introduce major new features. With widespread adoption of mobile, third party apps, and telehealth, and increasing access to deep data, the threat risk resulting from vulnerabilities in firewalls and loopholes in governance models such as HIPAA simply remains too high. 

ZTA addresses this risk. It secures and keeps accountable each of the people that would connect or use an application, whether on-premise or offsite, regardless of device. It goes a step further, alerting patients when their data is used, and by whom — a basic expectation in the world of finance, yet a rarity in when it comes to personal health data.

HIE of One Expertise

The HIE of One team brings solid, practical experience implementing ZTA. Our flagship software, Trustee, was architected in the earliest days of blockchain identity and accountability. Our leadership as the Healthcare Use Case in critical standards development, and continued involvement in both standards and open source, means that we won’t lock you into proprietary solutions that are difficult to certify and risky to embed as long-term sole-source suppliers. In short, HIE of One will protect your business and your customers.

Delivering the cost-effective solutions today’s digital environment demands

In addition to ZTA, our consultants stand ready to focus their experience in health care data and patient privacy to:

  • Analyze the individuals involved in your current service or planned innovation 
  • Map their activities and workflow into the ZTA model as defined by NIST and demonstrated in Trustee
  • Help choose open source libraries, components, and public blockchains that will fit with your technology and market strengths
  • Offer you the opportunity to demonstrate your product in the overall context of Trustee and Trustee Community if standards and interoperability are important to your success
  • Offer you the opportunity to (dual) license Trustee code into your product in order to accelerate time-to-market 

If you’re ready to take your software security architecture to the next level, let us know today!